EAR CROP SURGERY The photos below are before, after and during an ear crop surgery performed on Redford Jr. (DOB 04/13/06). Ear cropping is standard with our puppies and the crop is a medium/long crop with a clean bell. Ear crop surgery is performed at 8 weeks of age. The stitches are removed at 9 weeks of age just prior to puppy placement in their new homes. Taping continues until the ears stand which is usually until 6 months of age. It is VERY important to keep ears taped until 6 months of age, changing tape weekly. If the ears are allowed to be un-taped until they fall, then the ear cartilage can be weakened and the chances for a perfect outcome are drastically reduced. D&L Dobermans is just an email or a phone call away if you have any questions about your D&L Doberman puppy's ears. Please keep them taped until they stand. We want your puppy's ears to be gorgeous! BEFORE EAR CROP AFTER EAR CROP
Ear Crop Surgery at 8 weeks of age.